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Beverage store: 06022 - 623777

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white or brown in the market or buy online


Rum (derived from the word rumbullion used by English settlers on the Antilles island of Barbados to designate sugar cane liquor) is a spirit drink based on molasses, which is produced by fermenting it and then distilling it.

Here, the sugar cane is crushed and pressed before the juice is boiled into syrup. Repeated boiling leads to the formation of sugar crystals. Rhum Agricole uses freshly squeezed sugar cane juice as the raw material.

White rum is colourless, young and unripened and is preferably used for mixing long drinks and cocktails.

Brown rum is defined by the color it acquires through aging in wooden barrels.

The climate in tropical manufacturing countries accelerates the ripening process considerably.

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    Kelterei Kuhn GmbH
        Toni-Schecher-Str. 10,
           63820 Elsenfeld-Rück

        +49 (0) 6022 / 623777

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