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Gin at Kuhns drinking pleasure in Elsenfeld, also buy online.

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Gin (derived from the French word “Genévrier”, meaning juniper) is a juniper-based spirit drink made by flavoring ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin with juniper berries.

In addition to pure enjoyment, gin is used in a variety of different cocktails such as a Negroni, Martini or a classic gin and tonic.

The mostly clear spirit gets its characteristic taste from flavoring with spices and other ingredients, also known as botanicals. Flavoring can occur during or after distillation.

Gin is defined by different production styles such as dry gin, sloe gin, old tom gin, aged gin and a few others.

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    Kelterei Kuhn GmbH
        Toni-Schecher-Str. 10,
           63820 Elsenfeld-Rück

        +49 (0) 6022 / 623777

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