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Liqueur is not a pure distillery product, but is based on flavored spirits that are enriched with various ingredients to increase the sugar content.
By adding flavors and aromas, the liqueur can also have a different consistency and take on different colors. Liqueurs can generally be divided into different types:

  • batch liqueur, one of the lighter variants of making liqueur. For this purpose, fruits or herbs are placed in neutral alcohol with sugar syrup.
  • The second variant is distillation. Here the mash is prepared with the basic ingredients and distilled directly.
  • Bitter, spice and herbal liqueurs are mainly produced by maceration. Here the basic ingredients are placed in neutral alcohol and then distilled again.
  • A last type is the composition, in which the neutral alcohol is only flavored with natural or artificial essences. 

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    Kelterei Kuhn GmbH
        Toni-Schecher-Str. 10,
           63820 Elsenfeld-Rück

        +49 (0) 6022 / 623777

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